Top 5 Most-Used Deployment Strategies: A Comprehensive Guide

Top 5 Most-Used Deployment Strategies: A Comprehensive Guide
Photo by Lala Azizli / Unsplash

In the world of software development, nothing beats the satisfaction of seeing our code go live to millions of users. However, deploying code to production is not always easy. There are several strategies that developers use to ensure a smooth transition from development to production. In this article, we will explore the top five most-used deployment strategies.

1. Big Bang Deployment

One of the earliest methods of deploying changes to production is the Big Bang deployment. Picture it as like ripping off a Band-Aid - we push all our changes at once. This causes a bit of downtime as we have to shut down the old system to switch on the new one. The downtime is usually short, but it can sting if things don't go as planned. Preparation and testing are key. If things go wrong, we roll back to the previous version. However, rolling back is not always pain-free. We still might disrupt users, and there could still be data implications. We need to have a solid rollback plan. Big Bang is sometimes the only choice, for example, when an intricate database upgrade is involved.

2. Rolling Deployment

Rolling deployment is more like a marathon than a sprint. This method lets us incrementally update different parts of the system over time. It's a staged rollout where we gradually deploy the new version of the application to the production environment. One big advantage of rolling deployment is that it usually prevents downtime. While we are updating one server, the others are still up and running, serving our users. Another advantage is that we can spot and mitigate any issues early during the rollout. This reduces the risk of widespread problems. However, rolling deployment is typically a slower process and doesn't support targeted rollouts.

3. Blue-Green Deployment

In blue-green deployment, we maintain two identical production systems, cleverly named blue and green. At any given time, one site is active and visible to users, and the other side is idle. The active environment serves the current live version of the application to the users. The idle one is our playground where we can safely deploy and test the new version. Once the new version in the idle environment is deemed ready, we simply switch the load balancer to redirect traffic from the active environment to the idle one. Users are seamlessly transitioned to the new version of the application with zero downtime. However, blue-green deployment is resource-intensive as it requires maintaining two identical production environments.

4. Canary Deployment

Canary deployment is named after the old practice of using canaries in coal mines to detect dangerous gases. Similarly, in software deployment, we use this strategy to test our air before the full-scale rollout. Instead of deploying the new version to all servers or users, we choose a small subset - our canaries. This allows us to monitor the performance of the new version in real-world conditions but on a much smaller scale. If everything goes well, we can gradually roll it out to the rest of the servers or users. Canary deployment also gives us the power of targeted rollouts.

5. Feature Toggle

Feature toggle stands a bit apart from the other strategies. It's not about deploying a new version of the entire application but rather about managing specific new features within the application. With feature toggle, we introduce a toggle or switch in the code for new features. This allows us to turn the feature on or off for certain users or circumstances. Feature toggle can be used in combination with any of the deployment strategies we've discussed.

Each of these deployment strategies has its strengths, challenges, and use cases. The best strategy depends on the application's characteristics and the user's expectations. It's important to choose the one that best fits your team's needs and the specific requirements of your project. Remember, the ultimate goal is to ensure a smooth and efficient deployment process that minimizes disruption to the end user and maximizes the effectiveness of your software updates.

If you have any questions or would like to share your experiences with these deployment strategies, feel free to leave a comment below. We'd love to hear from you!

This article is based on the video "Top 5 Most-Used Deployment Strategies" by ByteByteGo. You can watch the full video here.